The Scents of our Memories

If I were to ask what your favourite scent is I wonder what would spring to mind?

Whether just one thing, or many of them, what memories would they bring to you.  I have so many, I could not pick just the one.

So, in no particular order here are some of mine.

Fresh Mown Grass.  Laying on it in summertime, looking up at a blue sky with clouds.

Baking Bread. On the few occasions I’ve made it myself, the wonderful scent lingers in the home, I don’t do that nearly often enough.

Freshly Brewed Coffee. Reminding me of sunny mornings, with the light streaming through the window, sitting overlooking my favourite view on the hill.

Freesias, Roses, Lavender.  Just a few of my favourite flowers.

Sea Salt on the air. A reminder of all the moments, happy and sad when I sat on the beach.

Ysatis by Givenchy.  When I was younger, this was my signature scent. Years ago, my friend was in Hospital with difficulties when her first daughter was born, I remember her telling me that she knew I had been by her side because she had smelled my perfume when she awoke.

So which scents invoke special memories for you? Do share…

The Daily Post – Aromatic





Wrapped Up

Wrapped up in my thoughts like a blanket pulled too tight.

Trying to release me, twist and turn with all my might.

The blanket offers me, some comfort from the cold.

But thoughts are hiding there in the crease and in the fold.

They creep unexpectedly as I lay here on the bed.

Dance round the subconscious and here in my head.

Sometimes I’ll wrestle them and pull them to the floor.

Hoping I can sling them, far out of the door.

But as I try to do this, they often come right out.

Leave me tired and sad and exhausted from the bout.

They are sometimes mixed with anger, so often filled with pain.

So I sit and write them down so they’ll be gone again.

I hope a while later, when my head it starts to reel,

That I can give it time and the space in which to heal.

My Dear and Cherished Friend

It’s good to have that one good mate,
One who knows you oh so well
And to which you can relate.
with whom you can shout or yell.
Who knows you like a sister,
The one who knows you’ll be there
If she’s trouble with her mister.
One you can show that you care,
And with whom you don’t feel a mug,
When you’re going through it all.
She’s always there to give you a hug,
Whenever you might fall.
When time is short and she is feeling sad,
She hopes that you’ll understand.
You’ll offer her support so she won’t feel bad,
Be there to hold her hand.
Always there with a hug and kiss,
She’s wiped away a few tears.
The one you ‘re really going to miss,
when not seen for months or years.
Someone that you’ve known all your life,
On whom you can depend.
There through the trouble and the strife,
My dear and cherished friend.


The Daily Post – Friend